Sweet Sixteen

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While some of you may think of me as a good artist, I'm an art fan more than anything. I've got tons of favorites, XXIII, Doxy, dCTb on DeviantART, Usatarou, Tehsean/Snao. But I think despite me leaning more on the hentai side and usually not liking western work, the elusive artist known as The Pit is my favorite, if not my most referenced. Since it's pretty much all we see of his work, I'm in turn a fan of John Person's comics.

Not to sell the site short though, I'm indifferent on the whole interracial thing, it doesn't do anything major for me and I don't hate it either. The cheating wife and slut daughter who go from nice productive members of the high school, to straight up bimbos simply for dick??? Sign me up! I like that psychological aspect.
I'm getting off topic though. In an effort to reach out and show my fanboyism for Pit's work, I actually contacted John Persons himself and drew this pic for him of his leading ladies, mother and daughter duo Jenny and Kitty, doing what they do best.

Sweet Sixteen

2015-03-19 20:57:00
big huge dick jay marvel cock pov the black slut long john persons pit interracial
While some of you may think of me as a good artist, I'm an art fan more than anything. I've got tons of favorites, XXIII, Doxy, dCTb on DeviantART, Usatarou, Tehsean/Snao. But I think...


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